Saturday, December 5, 2009

Pure and Utter Abandonment

That is all I can say about why it's been so long since I've written. It's not for lack of want, or even that I was SO busy (even though I have been pretty busy.) I can't even say it's for lack of inspiration. I've made lots of yummy things lately, and I posted very eloquently about them in my head. I think I just had a temporary lapse in confidence. Temporary. So, in short, I am back, and cheesily enough I was inspired because of watching a movie about a food blogger...yes that's right people, (get those cringing muscles warmed up) Julie and Julia. I FINALLY saw it today on this, the first real snow day of the season. I had fully intended on seeing it with my Mom in the theater, but the short people always seem to make that next to impossible, that is, unless we're going to see something in the computer animation genre. So my loving other half illegally downloaded it for me, and promptly left the room. I did really enjoy it, but I found myself feeling like the parts about Julie Powell were the commercials I had to suffer through to get to the good stuff. (sorry, Julie!)

I mean no disrespect to Julie, and am sincerely happy for her success, but as the movie progressed, I became more and more interested in Julia Child, and really just wanted more about her. I really hope someone makes another movie, solely about her and her life, and My Life in France is definitely my next read.

I am embarrassed to say I don't have, and have never even in person, Mastering the Art of French Cooking, but that will also be my next cookbook purchase. French cooking has never been my friend, with all it's complicated sauces, and expensive ingredients, but french FOOD, on the other hand...well, I'll put it to you this way - Fillet Bearnaise was my favorite food when I was in elementary school. That, and Chicken Fingers.

So the next recipe I have decided to test is Challah...Holla! (Sorry, I couldn't resist) I know, some may say, I've let brioche kick me in the proverbial arse, but it's not so. The truth is, I am still a little angry with brioche and until it calls to apologize, I am on strike.

So onto it's Jewish, and slightly more forgiving cousin...


  1. I love the last line especially ; ) SO CLEVER. Make sure you use some to make french toast. Mmmmmmmm.

  2. welcome back- you were missed :)

  3. I saw the movie a month or so ago too..we rented it, and I actually made my hub watch it with me, hehe. But i most def agree w/u on the Julie part of the movie, Julia was much more intriguing!!
    <3 u miss u...let me know again if you still plan on coming down soon! (btw, yes you're right, I am just now wandering around on this blog of yours ;)
